- Name:Min Zhang
- Title:Prof. Dr.-Ing.
- Office:301, Microelectronics Bldg, Minhang
- Office Phone:34207447
- Email:min.zhang@sjtu.edu.cn
- Website:
Research Field
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), antenna, and EM stealth
1) B.Sc. Nanjing Univ. of Science&Technology in 1982
2) M.Sc. Southeast University in 1987
3) Dr.-Ing. Technische Universitaet Darmstadt/Germany in 1995
all in electromagnetic theory and microwave technology
4) Postdoc at DESY and Fermilab in accelerator physics from 1995 to 1998
Work experience
1) 7 years hardware experience in industry ranging from radar system, particle accelerator, and EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility);
2) 30 years software experience in computational electromagnetics (CEM) and its industrial applications (mainly in EMC and radar)
3 major research fields:
1) EMC pre-design with EM software and EMC testing
2) Stealth and RCS reduction
3) Synthetic Aperture Radar imaging through EM simulations
Awards and Honors
Jointly awarded for the excellence of the general-purpose electromagnetic software package -- MAFIA together with the MAFIA development team led by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Weiland at Technische Universitaet Darmstadt, Germany in 1995 (Max-Planck Prize) and in 1997 (Phillip-Morris Prize).
4 years lecture for graduate students in Tongji University, Shanghai, China -- "CAD for Microwave Engineering"
(Papers without asterisk* are either solely authored by Dr. Min Zhang he is the correspondent author.)
1) “Quasi-TEM Solution of Characteristic Impedance for mm-Wave Transmission Lines Using Boundary Element Method”, Proceedings for the 3rd National Conference on mm- and Sub-mm-Waves, pp144-147, 1986, China
2) “Solution of Partial and Total Capacitance by the Imaginary Image Plane Technique in BEM”, Collection of Theses of Electromagnetic Field Graduate Students (Volume 1), pp33-48, 1985, Electronics Society of Jiangsu Province, China
3) “First Attempt to Adapt BEM in Solving 2D Eigenvalue Problems”, Collection of Theses of Electromagnetic Field Graduate Students (Volume 2), pp167-172, 1986, Electronics Society of Jiangsu Province, China
4) “Boundary Element Method and its Application to Transmission Lines” Master thesis, Southeast University, Nanjing, China, 1987
5) * “Solution of Maxwell's Equations”, Computer Physics Communications 72(1992) pp22-39
6) “Automatic Computer-Aided Optimization of Cavities for the Design of Accelerating Structures”, XV International Conference on High Energy Accelerators, Hamburg, Germany, July 1992, pp. 939-941
7) * “Modal Field Analysis in Tapered Multicell Structures”, XV International Conference on High Energy Accelerators, Hamburg, July 1992, pp. 845-847.
8) * “Single and Multi Bunch Instabilities in a 2X250 GeV Linear Collider”, XV International Conference on High Energy Accelerators, Hamburg, July 1992, pp. 855-857.
9) * “Minimazation of Multibunch-BBU in a Linac by Evolutionary Strategies”, XV International Conference on High Energy Accelerators, Hamburg, July 1992, pp. 848-850.
10) * “Structure Work for an S-Band Linear Collider”, XV International Conference on High Energy Accelerators, Hamburg, July 1992, pp. 830-832.
11) * “Wake Field Effects in Final Focus Quadrupoles for Next Linear Collider”, XV International Conference on High Energy Accelerators, Hamburg, July 1992, pp. 851-854.
12) * “Attenuation of Transverse Modes by Variable Cell Geometries in Travelling Wave Tubes”, XV International Conference on High Energy Accelerators, Hamburg, July 1992, pp. 876-878.
13) “A Tool for Automatic Computer Aided Optimization with MAFIA”, 5th International IGTE Symposium on Numerical Field Calculation in Electrical Engineering, Sept. 1992, Graz, Austria, pp. 255-260
14) “Automatic Computer-Aided Optimization of S-Band Cavities”, International Conference on Electromagnetic Field, Hangzhou, China, October 1992, pp 344-346
15) “MAFIA in Practice: The Capabilities of the MAFIA CAD System”, International Conference on Electromagnetic Field, Hangzhou, China, October 1992, pp 405-408
16) “ACAO of Cavities”, Computational Accelerator Physics Conference 1993, American Institute of Physics, Pleasanton, California, USA, February 22-26, 1993
17) * “Time Domain Electromagnetic Field Computation with Finite Difference Methods”, IEEE 93 Berlin
18) * “Finite Integration: Ein universell anwendbares Verfahren zur Berechnung elektro-magnetischer Felder”, VDE- Fachberichte 45, Biologische Wirkungen elektromagnetischer Felder, (Vortraege der VDE Fachtagung in Bad Nauheim 9.- 10. Nov. 1993), pp. 109-118
19) * “Die Gitter-Maxwellgleichungen, Theorie und Anwendungsspektrum”, Kleinheubacher Berichte Band 37, 1994, pp. 721-738.
20) “ACAO of Waveguide-Microstrip Transitions Using the G+CD Method”, IEEE Trans. Magn., 30(5), pp. 3463-3466, 1994
21) “Comparison of Various Evolution Strategy Schemes” The Sixth Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation (CEFC'94), Aix-les-Bains, France, July 5-7, 1994
22) “Evolution Strategy versus Conjugate Direction” International Conference on Computational Electromagnetics and its Applications (ICCEA'94), Beijing, China, Nov. 1-4, 1994
23) “Automatic Optimizations of Electromagnetic Components” Technische Hochschule Darmstadt (D17), Darmstadt, Germany, 1995
24) “Simulation of Dark Currents in TESLA Superconducting Accelerating Strcuture” SRF’95, Orsay, France, Sept. 1995
25) “Two and Three Dimensional Simulations of Dark Current in TESLA-Cavities”, 7th workshop on RF-Superconductivity (16. -20. 10. 95, Gif sur Yvette, Paris).
26) “Constrained Optimization of Accelerating Cavity by Means of the Least-Step Concept”, IEEE Trans. on Magnetics, Vol. 32 (1996), No. 3, pp. 1258-1261.
27) “Emittance Formula for Slits and Pepper-pot Measurement”, Fermilab-TM-1988, Oct. 1996
28) “The Gradient Associated Conjugate Direction Method”, The Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal, November 1996
29) “TESLA FEL Gun Optimization with PARMELA and MAFIA”, Computational Accelerator Physics, American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings 391, 1997, pp. 21-26
30) “Automated Optimization of a Waveguide-Microstrip Transition Using an EM Optimization Driver”, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Tech., Vol.45, No.5, May 1997
31) “Beam Dynamics of DESY TESLA FEL Gun Simulated with MAFIA and PARMELA”, 19th Free Electron Laser Conference, Beijing, China, August 18-21, 1997
32) “The TESLA Free Electron Laser”, 1st Asian Particle Accelerator Conference, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan, March, 1998 (Invited paper)
33) “An Intuitative Description of Emittance Compensation and Its Application to the TESLA FEL Beam Transport Line”, 1st Asian Particle Accelerator Conference, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan, March, 1998
34) “Beam Dynamics Aspects of the TESLA Power Coupler”, DESY Print, TESLA Report, 98-17, National Accelerator Laboratory Germany (DESY), July, 1998
35) “Beam Dynamics Aspects of the TESLA Power Coupler”, PAC'99, Manhattan, New York, March 1999
36) “The Electromagnetic Simulation Software Package – MAFIA4”, Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Electromagnetics and Its Applications (ICCEA’99), Beijing, November 1-4,1999
37) * “Fast Simulation of High Impedance Surface Using Time Domain Solver”, Proceedings of International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology (ICMMT2004), Beijing, August 18-21, 2004
38) * “CST MWS in Practice: Full-Wave Time-Domain Simulation of Radiation and Scattering Problems on Electrically Large Objects” 2005 PIERS Hanzhou, August 22 -26, 2005
39) RFIC Packaging Design with CST Full-WaveTime-Domain Simulation Software, ICEPT2006, Aug. 27-28,2006, Shanghai
40) Full-WaveTime-Domain Simulation of RFIC Packaging Design,2006 EDAPS, IEEE Workshop, Dec. 17-18, 2006, Shanghai
41) Fast Simulation of Chebyshev Array Using CST Software, China National Antenna Conference 2007,May 20-23, 2007, Hefei, China
42) Transient Full-wave Simulation of Phase Center of Phased Array, China National Antenna Conference 2007, May 20-23, 2007, Hefei, China
43) Development of Simulation Platform Based on CST Software Package, China National Conference on Millimeter Wave, Oct. 2007, Ningbo, China
44) Digital Teaching Package for Lecture of Electromagnetic Field and Waves Based on CST Software Pachage, China National Conference on Millimeter Wave, Oct. 2007, Ningbo, China
45) Shaped Beam Planar Slotted Waveguide Antenna Design Kit, China National Conference on Millimeter Wave, Oct. 2007, Ningbo, China
46) Analysis of CRT Beam Spot with Simulation, China National Conference on Millimeter Wave, Oct. 2007, Ningbo, China
47) Simulation Design of Cylindrical Conformal Slooted Waveguide Antenna, China National Conference on Millimeter Wave, Oct. 2007, Ningbo, China
48) “Wideband Cavity Backed Spiral Antenna for Dual-Mode Operation”, 2008 PIERS, March 2008, Hang Zhou.
49) “Simulation on EMI Coupling from Driving System of Fuel Cell Vehicle”, 2008 PIERS, March 2008, Hang Zhou.
50) “Time-Domain versus Frequency-Domain Approach for an Accurate Simulation of Phased Arrays”, 2008 ICMMT, April 2008, Nan Jing
51) “Application of CST Time Domain Algorithm in the Electromagnetic Simulation Standard of the SAR for mobile phone”, 2008 ICMMT, April.2008, Nan Jing
52) “Simulation Design of Four-Arm Cavity Backed Dielectric Loaded UWB Spiral Antenna”, 2008 ICMMT, April.2008, Nan Jing
53) “Comparison of Various Full-Wave Methods in Calculating the RCS of Inlet”, 2008 ICMMT, April.2008, Nan Jing
54) “A novel efficient algorithm for surface mesh segmentation”, 2008 ICMMT, April.2008, Nan Jing
55) Simulation Analysis of BPM Motor with FLUX and Matlab, Dec. 2008, "Mechatronics", pp47-50
56) “Transient Analysis of PCB EMC Problem”, 2008 ISAPE, Nov.2008, Kunming
57) “Full-wave Transient Simulation of Radiation Emission from Power Converter”, 2008 ISAPE, Nov.2008, Kun Ming
58) On Relationship between Leak Inductance of Planar PCB Transformer and Full Inductance Matrix, Jan 2009, "Mechatronics", pp 55-57, 68
59) “SAR Simulation with CEMHM”, APMC, Dec. 2008, Hong Kong
60) Methodology Study of 3D PIC Simulation for Helix TWT, Jan. 2010, "Vacuum Electronics"
61) “A Novel Linearization Method for Full Wave EMI Simulation of Switching Power Supplier”, APEMC2010, Beijing, Apr 12-16, 2010
62) “EMC Modeling of large electronic systems (Invited)”, APEMC2010, Beijing, Apr 12-16, 2010
63) “Full-Wave Simulation Study of Radiation from Double Enclosure with Orthogonal Slots”, APEMC2010, Beijing, Apr 12-16, 2010
64) “Influence on SAR due to Metallic Frame of Glasses based on High-Resolution Chinese Electromagnetic Human Model”, APEMC2010, Beijing, Apr 12-16, 2010
65) “Transient Current Burst Analysis induced in Cable Harness due to Direct Lightning Strike on Aircraft”, APEMC2010, Beijing, Apr 12-16, 2010
66) "Numerical Simulation of EMC", China National EMC Conference, Aug. 2010, Harbin
67) “Simulation Verification of Lightning Strike”, Sino-Japan Microwave Conference, 2011, Hangzhou
68) "Automotive EMC Simulation",CNMWC, 2011, Qingdao
69) “Accurate SI/PI Solution for Chip Packaging, Backplane, and EBG Structures”, Key Note, 2011 IEEE Electrical Design of Advanced Packaging & Systems Symposium (EDAPS), Dec. 12-14, 2011, Hangzhou