- Name:Xie Ning
- Title:Associate Prof.
- Office:1-347
- Office Phone:34204164
- Email:xiening@sjtu.edu.cn
- Website:
Research Field
Power System Simulation and Analysis; Electricity Market; Smart Grid
2008/01 – 2010/12: Joint-trained doctoral student in Power System Analysis and Control in Shanghai Jiaotong University, China, and Politecnico di Torino, Italy.
1995/09 - 1998/06: Post-grad. student in Power System Control and Stability of Elec. Eng. School in Wuhan University, China
1991/09 - 1995/06: Grad. student in Power System Automation of Elec. Eng. School in Wuhan University, China.
Work experience
2011/01 – 2011/12: Post-Doc. in Politecnico di Torino, Italy
1998/08 – present: Faculty member of Elec. Eng. Dept. in Shanghai Jiaotong University
2014/01 - 2016/12: Responsible for "Study on Analytical Expression of Equilibrium Curve and Multiple Saddle-Node Bifurcations in Power System", funded by NSFC
2011/01 - 2011/12: Responsible for "TDMV-SMART", funded by Piemonte Region, Torino, Italy
2011/01 - 2011/12: Participate in “SESAME - Securing the European Electricity Supply Against Malicious and Accidental Threats”, cofounded by EC, FP 7 - SECURITY
2008/01 - 2010/12: Participate in “Understanding Malicious Attacks Against Infrastructures”, co-funded by Next Generation Infrastructure Foundation, Delft, The Netherlands
2013/01 - 2013/12: Responsible for "Research on Applying Large-Capacity Transformer in 110kV Distribution Network", cooperated with Shanghai Power Grid
2007/07 - 2007/12: Responsible for “Economic Analysis for Reducing Line Losses and Saving Energy”, cooperated with Guangdong Power Grid
2005/02 - 2005/12: Responsible for “Economic Analysis of 10~35kV Distribution Networks”, cooperated with Hangzhou Power Supply Bureau
2002/12 - 2003/07: Project coordinator of “DMS System Feasibility Study”, cooperated with Haining Power Supply Bureau
2002/09 - 2003/07: Responsible for “Fault Analysis and Relay Setting Calculation System”, cooperated with Southern Power Grid
1999/08 - 2000/08: Responsible for “Real-Time Fault Analysis Kit Based on EMS”, cooperated with Anhui Power Supply Bureau
Awards and Honors
Have given lectures on:
1) Power Plant Electricity
2) Electrical Engineering Fundamentals
3) Software Engineering
4) Mastering MFC Fundamentals (bilingual course using Microsoft Certified Training Kit)
5) Computer Networking – A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet (Bilingual course):
6) Digital Signal Processing (English course)
7) Power System Fundamentals
1) N. Xie, F. Torelli, E. Bompard, A. Vaccaro, “Dynamic Computing Paradigm for Comprehensive Power Flow Analysis,” IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution (IET). , Vol. 7, Issue 8, pp. 832-842, Aug. 2013. ISSN: 1751-8687, SCI&EI indexed.
2)N. Xie, E. Bompard, R. Napoli, F. Torelli, “Widely Convergent Method for Finding Solutions of Simultaneous Nonlinear Equations,” Electric Power Systems Research (EPSR), Vol. 83, Issue 1, pp. 9-18, Feb. 2012. ISSN: 0378-7796; SCIE&EI indexed.
3)F. Torelli, A. Vaccaro, N. Xie, “A Novel Optimal Power Flow Formulation based on the Lyapunov Theory,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, ” Vol. 28, Issue 4, pp. 4405-4415, Jun. 2013. ISSN: 0885-8950; SCI&EI indexed.
4) E. Bompard, R. Napoli, B. Wan, N. Xie, “A Comprehensive Model of Virtual Competition in Distribution Energy Systems,” European Transactions on Electrical Power (ETEP), Vol. 21, Issue 1, pp. 89-98, Jan. 2011. ISSN: 2050-7038; EI indexed.
5) Xie N., Zhang W. H., “The Design and Development of Power Plant Electricity CAI,” Proceeding of the EPSA, Vol.16, No.3, pp79-82, 2004
6) Xie N., Wu Z. T., Cao Y., “Interface Design of Power System Distribution Network GIS Based on XML Format,” Automation of Electric Power Systems, 28(9), pp77-80, 2004