- Name:Li Dewei
- Title:Associate Professor
- Office:SEIEE Building 2 Room 305
- Office Phone:86-21-34204550
- Email:dwli@sjtu.edu.cn
- Website:
Research Field
Model predictive control and its applications; Robust control and Networked control theory; large scale system theory and its applications
9/2004 - 3/2009 Shanghai Jiao Tong University PhD of Automation (master-doctor program)
9/1989 - 6/1993 Shanghai Jiao Tong University Bachelor's degree of Automation
Work experience
04/2011- present Associated Professor in Department of Automation, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
05/2014-11/2014 Research Assistant in Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
05/2011-12/2011 Research Assistant in Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
04/2009-04/2011 Postdoctoral researcher in Department of Automation, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
09/2002-06/2004 Electrical Engineer in Deyang Jiete Engineering Ltd.
05/1999-09/2002 Software Engineer & MIS Manager in Sichuan Dingtian Electronics Industry Ltd., China
06/1998-05/1999 Sales Engineer in Chengdu Branch of Singapore Star Control Engineering Ltd.
10/1995-06/1998 Electrical Engineer in R&D Institute of China Erzhong Group Company
07/1993-10/1995 Assistant Engineer in Shenzhen Branch of Santou Ocean Group Ltd.
Awards and Honors
Received the Awards for the Author of Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of Shanghai, 2011
Model predictive control
Prediction theory and method
Automation Instrumentation
1. Dewei Li, Yugeng Xi. Constrained robust feedback model predictive control for uncertain systems with polytopic description. International journal of control, 2009, 82(7): 1267-1274(SCI,EI)
2. Dewei Li, Yugeng Xi. Quality guaranteed aggregation based model predictive control and stability analysis. Science in China, F: Information Science, 2009, 52(7): 1145-1156(SCI,EI)
1. Dewei Li, Yugeng Xi. The feedback robust MPC for LPV systems with bounded rates of parameter changes. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2010, 55(2): 503-507(SCI,EI)
1. Dewei Li, Yugeng Xi. Constrained feedback robust model predictive control for polytopic uncertain systems with time-delays. International journal of systems science, 2011, 42(10): 1651-1660(SCI,EI)
2. He Huang, Dewei Li, Zongli Lin, Yugeng Xi. An Improved Robust Model Predictive Control Design in the Presence of Actuator Saturation. Automatica, 2011, 47(4): 861-864(SCI,EI)
3. Dewei Li, Yugeng Xi, Zongli Lin. An Nth-step Set Invariance Approach to the Analysis and Design of Discrete-time Linear Systems Subject to Actuator Saturation. System & Control Letters, 2011.60(12):943-951(SCI,EI)
1. Dewei Li, Nan Yang, Ran Niu, Hai Qiu, Yugeng Xi. FPGA based QDMC control for reverse-osmosis water desalination system. Desalination,2012, 285: 83-90(SCI,EI)
2. He huang,Dewei Li,Yugeng Xi. Design and ISpS analysis of the mixed H2 /H∞ feedback robust model predictive control. IET control theory and applications, 2012,6(4):498-505(SCI,EI)
3. Nan Yang, Dewei Li, Jun Zhang, Yugeng Xi. Model predictive controller design and implementation on FPGA with application to motor servo system. Control Engineering Practice, 2012, 20(11):1229-1235(SCI,EI)
1. Dewei Li, Yugeng Xi, Furong Gao. Synthesis of Dynamic OutputFeedback Robust Model Predictive Control with Saturated inputs. Automatica, 2013, 49(4): 949-954 (SCI,EI)
2. Jiaobo Lu, Dewei Li, Yugeng Xi. Probability-based Constrained MPC for Structured Uncertain Systems with State and Random Input Delays. International journal of systems science, 2013, 44(7): 1354-1365(SCI,EI)
3.Jianbo Lu, Dewei Li, Yugeng Xi. Constrained Model Predictive Control Synthesis for Uncertain Discrete-Time Markovian Jump Linear Systems. IET control theory and applications, 2013, 7(5): 707--719(SCI,EI)
4. Dewei Li, Yugeng Xi, Zongli Lin. An improved design of aggregation-based model predictive control. Systems & Control Letters, 2013,62(11):1082-1089(SCI,EI)
5. Pengyuan Zheng, Dewei Li, Yugeng Xi, and Jun Zhang. Improved model prediction and RMPC design for LPV systems with bounded parameter changes. Automatica, 2013, 49(12):3695–3699(SCI,EI)
1. Kai Li, Dewei Li, Yugeng Xi, Debin Yin. Model Predictive Control with Feedforward Strategy for Gas Collectors of Coke Ovens. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2014, 22(7): 769-773(SCI, EI).
2. Jiwei Li, Dewei Li, Yugeng Xi. MPC for stochastic system with multiplicative uncertainty by multi-step probabilistic set. IET control theory & applications, 2014,8(16):1698 – 1706(SCI, EI).
3. Dewei Li, Furong Gao, Yugeng Xi. Separated Design of Robust Model Predictive Control of LPV Systems with Periodic Disturbances. Journal of Process Control,2014,24(1):250-260 (SCI,EI)
4. Yang Lu, Dewei Li, Zhuhua Xu, Yugeng Xi. Convergence Analysis and DSP Implementation of A Discrete-Time RNN -MPC With Application to ASU System. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2014,61(12):7035-7045(SCI,EI).
5. He Huang, Dewei Li, Yugeng Xi. Mixed H_2/H_\infty Robust Model Predictive Control with Saturated Inputs. International journal of systems science, 2014,45(12):2565-2575(SCI, EI).
1. Jiwei Li, Dewei Li, Yugeng Xi, Jianbo Lu. Improved Robust Model Predictive Control with guaranteed H2/H∞ performance for Polytopic Systems. Transaction of the institute of Measurment and Control, 2015,37(7): 892-899(SCI, EI).
2. Zhou Bin,Li Dewei,Lin Zongli. Control of Discrete-Time Periodic Linear Systems with Input Saturation via Multi-Step Periodic Invariant Set. International journal of robust and nonlinear Control, 2015, 25(1):103-124(SCI, EI).
3. Lihui Cen, Yugeng Xi, Dewei Li, Yigang Cen. Boundary Feedback Control of Open Canals with a Riemann Invariants Approach. Transaction of the institute of Measurment and Control, 2015,37(7): 900-908(SCI, EI).
4. Yuanyuan Zou, James Lam, Yugang Niu, Dewei Li. Constrained Predictive Control Synthesis for Quantized Systems with Markovian Data Loss. Automatica, 2015, 55:217-225(SCI,EI)
1. Dewei Li, Yugeng Xi, Jingyi Lu, Furong Gao. Synthesis of real-time-feedback-based 2D ILC-MPC for constrained batch processes with unknown input nonlinearity. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2016, 55(51): 13074-13084 (SCI,EI)
1. Jiwei Li, Dewei Li, Yugeng Xi。 H-\infty predictive control with probabilistic constraints for linear stochastic systems. IET Control Theory and Applications, 2017, 11(4):557-566(SCI,EI)
1. Dewei Li, Jiwei Li, Yugeng Xi, Furong Gao. The synthesis of mixed H2/H∞ robust model predictive control with separated performance formulations and its ISpS analysis. International Journal of control.
2. Haibin Shao,Mehran Mesbahi,Dewei Li,Yugeng Xi. Inferring Centrality from Network Snapshots. Scientific Reports
3. Jiwei Li, Dewei Li, Yugeng Xi. Output-feedback model predictive control for stochastic systems with multiplicative and additive uncertainty. International Journal of Nonlinear and Robust control.