Recognition and Culture
Study of Enterprises is offered as a course for the students who
participating in the National Outstanding Engineering Education Program of Information
Engineering. It aims to let the students to understand how the enterprise
runs and why enterprise culture is important, therefore they have the ability
and desire to plan their personal development.
The course is conducted through
practice and investigation. The students have the chance to visit several
enterprises and also will be given lectures by entrepreneur and senior
engineers. When visiting the enterprises, different kinds of enterprises will
be considered, such as foreign-fund enterprises, state-owned enterprises and
private enterprises. Also will consider enterprises which are in different
development stages, such as multi-national enterprises, medium-sized
enterprises, and start-ups. After the students have the basic knowledge of
enterprises, we will invite entrepreneurs, senior executives and senior
engineers to give lectures in the course. All students have the chance to
discuss and communicate with these lecturers.
The students must attend all
enterprise visiting and all lectures. In the course, they will give
presentation, and have to complete a final report. Upon successful completion
of this course, the students will be able to enhance the communication and
presentation skill, gain skills in performing various engineering discussion
and documents.
Final grading includes:
30% (engagement)+30%(presentation)+40%(final report)
The course is jointly
sponsored by co-operative enterprises.