| 微电子科学与工程
Course Outline
课程基本信息(Course Information) |
课程代码 (Course Code) |
IE310 |
*学时 (Credit Hours) |
51 |
*学分 (Credits) |
3 |
(Course Title) |
(中文)操作系统 |
(英文)Operating System |
*课程性质 (Course Type) |
本科生课堂教学 |
授课对象 (Target Audience) |
微电子科学与工程专业(本科生) |
*授课语言 (Language of Instruction) |
双语(口头语言:中文,板书/PPT:英文) |
*开课院系 (School) |
电子信息工程学院 |
先修课程 (Prerequisite) |
《计算机组成》或《计算机体系结构》、C/C++语言 |
授课教师 (Instructor) |
梁阿磊 |
课程网址 (Course Webpage) |
*课程简介(Description) |
一、概述 操作系统是一种负责计算机软硬件资源管理的软件。本课程是面向计算机或相关电子类专业本科生开设,主讲内容包括操作系统的基本发展历史、基本定义和功能、相关的策略和算法,以及实际操作系统相关的知识。 二、内容 主要内容包括以下几方面:(1)进程的创建与调度算法;(2)内存空间的管理及算法;(3)磁盘空间的管理及算法;(4)文件和文件系统的概念与组织结构;(5)设备的接口及管理方式。 三、教学目标 操作系统是构成计算机系统的一个重要组成部分,且具体实现形式多种多样。但作为一门已发展形成的专业课程,该课程具备其特有而通用的基本原理和概念。本课程的目的是面向相关专业的本科生,使学生站在设计者的角度掌握其原理与概念;并通过一定的案例讲解,使学生站在开发者和用户的角度了解各种实现的缘由和差异性。 |
*课程简介(Description) |
1. Overview of the course Operating System (OS) is a kind of the system software which responsible for the hardware and software resource management in a computer system. In this course, OS’s evolution & history, its fundamental definitions, variety of policies and mechanisms are introduced for undergraduates.
2. Contents In this course, things will be included as following: l Process: definition, creation, scheduling algorithms l Memory Space: allocation & free, space utilization l Disk Space: utilization, organization and extension l File & File System: abstraction, layout of file sets l Interface and Internal of Devices: abstraction, mechanism
3. Object of education For students in CS/CE/EE, OS is one of the important part of Computer System. It is also a policy & mechanism implemented in software. But there are varieties of instances in reality, so understand its definitions, principles and algorithms in this course will help you to grasp the points in future “computer” works, like programming, system design, hardware developments, etc. |
课程教学大纲(course syllabus) |
*学习目标(Learning Outcomes) |
1.操作系统的发展和演变历史 2.多编程系统,进程,线程的概念 3.资源的互斥和共享机制 4.基于进程的资源抽象和管理 5. 进程的调度算法 6. 内存空间的分配和空间利用率的提高方法 7. 磁盘空间的组织和管理 8. 文件和文件系统的概念和组织结构
*教学内容、进度安排及要求 (Class Schedule &Requirements) |
*考核方式 (Grading) |
平时20% + 考试80% |
*教材或参考资料 (Textbooks & Other Materials) |
Tanenbaum. Modern Operating System 2nd or Third ed.. Prentice Hall. |
其它 (More) |
Robert Love. Linux Kernel Development 2nd or 3rd ed. Pearson Education Inc. |
备注 (Notes) |
基本概念以主教材为主,理解和案例了解参考“其它”类辅导教材 |