| 微电子科学与工程
课程基本信息(Course Information) |
课程代码 (Course Code) |
MR427 |
*学时 (Credit Hours) |
32 |
*学分 (Credits) |
2 |
*课程名称 (Course Name) |
先进微纳加工技术 |
Advanced Micro/Nano Fabrication technology |
课程性质 (Course Type) |
专业课 |
授课对象 (Audience) |
授课语言 (Language of Instruction) |
双语 |
*开课院系 (School) |
电信学院 |
先修课程 (Prerequisite) |
无 |
授课教师 (Instructor) |
张丛春 |
课程网址 (Course Webpage) |
*课程简介(Description) |
随着电子器件向更加小型化、集成化和多功能化方向发展,相应的微纳加工技术也发展迅速,各种先进的跨尺度微纳加工技术也不断涌现,为了让学生对主流的微纳加工技术有详细的认识,对国际前沿的微纳加工技术有更好的了解,特开设本课程。本课程双语授课,主要讲授先进微纳加工技术,从微纳制造的基本原理出发,侧重最新的微纳加工制造技术及其应用,主要内容包括:前言、薄膜沉积技术、光刻技术、电子束/离子束光刻、纳米压印“软光刻”、薄膜图形转移等。学生通过对本课程的学习,掌握微纳加工的基本概念及方法,理解微纳加工技术的基本原理、不同加工手段的适应性及局限性,设计与工艺间的关联性,了解微纳加工技术在IC电路、微纳结构构建方面的实际应用及创新工艺途径,并对未来的微纳加工技术发展趋势及需求有一定的判断力。本课程将有利于拓展我校相关专业本科生的实践能力,同时激发他们继续深造的潜能。 (中文300-500字,含课程性质、主要教学内容、课程教学目标等) |
*课程简介(Description) |
With electron devices becoming more compact and multifunctional integration, the micro/nano fabrication technologies are developing rapidly, and various new micro/nano fabrication technique have emerged. This lecture is put forward in order to help the students understand the new micro/nano fabrication technology. The main contents are as following: Introduction to Nanotechnology/nanofabrication, Thin film processing I: Micro electroplating, Deposition techniques, Lithographic patterning: Basic concepts, Materials, Radiation/matter interactions, Electron beam lithography: Probe formation, Exposure systems, Electron-solid interactions, Extreme UV lithography, Scanning probe techniques, Nanoimprint & “soft lithography”, Dip-pen Nanolithography, Ion/Atom beam lithography, Design & Integration Applications. This lecture is a bilingual course. It is aimed to develop a comprehensive understanding of the technologies used for IC, structuring matter at the micro/nanometer scale. The fundamental physics, chemistry and material science of micro/nano fabrication will be taught in the lectures. This will not only help the students to grasp the practical aspects of the creative process of building functional structures at the micro/nanoscale, but also provide insight into the issue/requirements of future micro/nano technologies.
课程教学大纲(course syllabus) |
*学习目标(Learning Outcomes) |
1.了解微纳制造与传统制造、IC工艺技术之间的关系(A3) 2.了解常用的薄膜沉积技术及其特点,掌握薄膜图形化常用方法(A5.1,A5.4) 3.理解光刻基本概念, 分辨率,辐射/材料相互作用,了解基于光子的光刻、电子束光刻、离子光刻及应用(A5.3) 4.了解自组装技术、生物微纳制造等前沿技术(A5.1) 5. 通过小组合作调研制作演讲ppt,培育认识和发现问题的能力(B2,C5)和团队协作解决问题能力。(A5.3,B6)
*教学内容、进度安排及要求 (Class Schedule &Requirements) |
*考核方式 (Grading) |
平时成绩占50%(包括课程作业及随堂小测验,期末小组报告),最后小组选题讨论占50% |
*教材或参考资料 (Textbooks & Other Materials) |
1. 微纳加工科学原理,唐天同,王姚宏著,电子工业出版社,2010,TB383/A19 2. 微纳米加工技术及其应用,崔铮著,高等教育出版社,2009,TB383/46 3. .Handouts: journal articles,book chapters 4. Internet resources, e.g., Micro/Nanofabrication Conferences |
其它 (More) |
备注 (Notes) |