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学校简介 查尔姆斯理工大学(又称:查尔莫斯理工大学,查尔莫(摩)斯工学院等,英文:Chalmers University of Technology,瑞典语:Chalmers tekniska h?gskola,简称:Chalmers或CTH)位于瑞典第二大城市哥德堡,成立于1829年,是一所以工程技术、自然科学和建筑学教育与研究为主旨的瑞典理工大学。Chalmers与欧洲多所顶尖理工大学共同组成著名的IIDEA联盟。查尔姆斯理工大学在2017年QS世界大学排名电气与电子工程学科排名世界第51位。

【项目介绍】 项目学生于大四年级秋季学期赴Chalmers学习并于大四春季学期初返回交大学习


  • 1. 修读课程为研究生课程;
  • 2. 免Chalmers学费;
  • 3. 全英文教学;


  • 1. 申请对象: 电院大三各专业学生
  • 2. 成绩要求:英语优秀,有托福(90)和雅思(6.5)成绩者更佳;
  • 3. 学习费用:免Chalmers学费,缴纳交大学费,其他费用自理;


电院本科教务办徐老师; 电话:34204693; Email: xulitingcs@sjtu.edu.cn;地址:电信群楼3号楼113室。


Info sheet 2015-16 (150202)

Important Notes: to avoid schedule collisions between courses, exchange students are encouraged to check the schedule that is published on Chalmers Student Portal  in early June-for the Fall Semester- and early December-for the Spring Semester. For that reason,it is strong recommended to refer to the following link: https://student.portal.chalmers.se/en/ .

Academic Areas and Master Programs at Chamlers Whose Courses Taught-in-English May Be Available to SJTU Exchange Students

  • Computer Science and Engineering & Electrical Engineering

1. Biomedical Engineering;

2. Communication Engineering;

3. Computer Science - Algorithms, Languages and Logic;

4. Computer Systerms and Networks;

5. Electric Power Engineering;

6. Embedded Electronic Systerm Design;

7. Interaction Design and Technologies;

8. Software Engineering;

9. Wireless, Photonics and Space Engineering;

  • Automation

1. Systerms, Control and Mechatronics
